Give 5 Difference Between Formal Letter and Informal Letter

Here are five differences between formal and informal letters:

1. Purpose and Audience:

Formal Letters: These are written for official or professional purposes, such as job applications, business communication, or official complaints. They have a specific objective and are usually addressed to organizations or authorities.

Informal Letters: These are personal and are written to friends, family, or acquaintances. The tone is casual, and they serve as a means of personal communication.

2. Format:

Formal Letters: Follow a prescribed format, including elements like the sender’s address, date, recipient’s address, salutation, body, and closing.

Informal Letters: Have no specific format requirements. They can be more flexible and conversational.

3. Language and Tone:

Formal Letters: Use formal language and a professional tone. They avoid contractions and abbreviations.

Informal Letters: Rely on everyday language and a friendly, personal tone. Contractions and abbreviations are common.

4. Voice and Sentences:

Formal Letters: Typically use passive voice and longer, complex sentences.

Informal Letters: Use active voice and shorter, simpler sentences.

5. Size and Conciseness:

Formal Letters: Tend to be concise, focusing on relevant information.

Informal Letters: Can be large or concise, depending on the context and relationship.

Remember, while formal letters have specific rules, informal letters allow more freedom in expression.
